
    IRS assures US 2015 premium subsidies will be available

    Authored by Bukaty Companies on August 20, 2014

    The millions (including us) who live in states where the Health Insurance Marketplace is operated by the federal government can breathe a sigh of relief.

    The IRS wrote a short but important statement in which it clarified that premium subsidies aren’t going away. 

    For now, at least.

    Following the recent split decisions of two federal appeals courts, the future of subsidies was called into question for those who purchased health insurance through the federally facilitated Marketplace rather a state-run operation.

    Kansas and Missouri are among 36 states that could be negatively impacted if subsidies are restricted to only those with access to a state-run Marketplace.

    Meanwhile a petition has been filed requesting the Supreme Court to consider the issue. Given the judicial process, it’s unlikely any conclusions will be reached before the open enrollment period begins November 15, 2014.

    Want to know if you’re eligible for a premium subsidy? Give us a call at 913-333-3389, or try the subsidy calculator.

    Blog Category: Individual