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    4 ways to maximize your interview process

    Authored by Bukaty Companies on Oct 9, 2024 10:19:12 AM

    HR managers are the gatekeepers in the recruiting and hiring process and play a key role in supporting the success of a business. Inefficient recruiting can produce a less-than-ideal candidate pool, ill-fitting new hires and a high turnover rate. Interviewing can be an exhausting process for all involved but is an essential part of the recruiting and hiring pipeline. Ensure your recruiting and interviewing procedures run smoothly with these four considerations.

    • Know what questions to ask
      While it is important to ask questions that measure an applicant’s organizational fit, steer clear of questions that tread on protected personal characteristics. Questions regarding race, color, gender identity, pregnancy, marital/family status, age, and disabilities should be avoided. How you phrase a question matters. Interviewers can ask “Do you have a high school degree?,” but not “What year did you graduate high school?”. Asking when a candidate graduated high school may be seen as an attempt to
      gauge the applicant’s age.

    • Don't forget that hiring is a mutually selective decision
      Just as much as employers are trying to weed out unfavorable applicants during an interview, applicants are trying to find their ideal positions. Consider blocking off time at the end of initial interviews for applicants to ask the interviewer questions. This can assist in eliminating candidates who have expectations that do not align with the company’s offerings. 

    • Take an appropriate amount of time to hire
      Do not rush to hire, but don’t drag out the process. An excessively lengthy or redundant interview period can be a red flag to potential hires. Prolonged selections can signal to candidates their time is not valued or that the company is unorganized and unsure of its needs. Have an interview process in place and communicate the steps to applicants and interviewees. Two or three rounds of interviews is the sweet spot between being thorough and going overboard.

    • Make sure job postings are accurate
      Job descriptions are the first impression point for applicants and need to be crafted with intention. Poorly worded and vague position descriptions may not attract the 
      right talent. Any required qualifications, like heavy lifting or a certain academic degree, need to be clearly stated in the initial posting. Candidates looking to progress in their career may also be drawn to positions that note if there is room for growth in the future.

    Efficient interviewing and recruiting practices can help take your team from good to great. To learn how Bukaty Companies can assist with your recruiting, or address other HR needs, consult with our experts.

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