
Employers must utilize updated Form I-9

Authored by Bukaty Companies on February 11, 2020

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published updated paper and electronic editions of Form I-9. Employers must begin using the new form by May 1, 2020. Until then, employers can choose to use the Form I-9 dated July 17, 2017, or the new edition dated October 21, 2019. As a reminder, Form I-9 is used by employers to verify the identity and employment authorization of new employees working in the United States.

Other than the date, there are no changes to the paper form and minor changes to the electronic form. The electronic form changes include additional countries added to Section 1, clarification on who is considered an authorized representative for an employer, workers’ Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) are clarified as a List A document, and employers are no longer required to write N/A in inapplicable list columns.

For more information on Form I-9 compliance, see our article titled Are you ready for a Form I-9 audit? 

If you have any questions, please contact your Bukaty benefits consultant at 913.345.0440.

As always, we appreciate your business.

Blog Category: Compliance