
    CMS coverage notices due October 15

    Employers have an annual obligation to issue a CMS coverage notice to all Medicare-eligible plan participants, including dependents and retirees. The notice informs Medicare-eligible participants whether their prescription coverage is at least as good as Medicare’s.


    Congress passes Families First Coronavirus Response Act

    In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, President Donald Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a package of provisions providing relief to workers and families. The law, which took effect April 1, provides paid sick leave, free coronavirus testing, enhanced...


    IRS announces 2020 contribution limits

    The IRS issued new contribution limits for 2020 tax-advantaged accounts. The limits, adjusted for inflation annually, are effective January 1, 2020. Limits for cafeteria plans were adjusted slightly.


    Social Security payroll tax hike to impact high earners next year

    More than 60 million individuals receive benefits from Social Security, but where  does the money to fund the program come from? Namely, payroll taxes. The way it works is pretty simple. Employees have 6.2% of their paychecks withheld to cover their Social Security tax obligations. Employers pay...


    U.S. Department of Labor releases new FMLA forms

    The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has released updated versions of its model Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) certification and notice  forms. The new expiration date is  August 31, 2021.


    Creditable Coverage notice required annually

    Deadline for distribution is October 15; second disclosure deadline linked to plan year


    IRS announces 2018 HSA contribution limits

    The IRS announced the 2018 health savings account (HSA) maximum contribution limits detailed in the newly released Revenue Procedure 2017-37The annual limit on contributions will increase by $50 for individuals and $150 for families.


    CMs Creditable Coverage notice required annually

    Deadline for distribution is October 15; second disclosure deadline linked to plan year. Employers have an annual obligation to issue a Creditable Coverage notification to all plan participants who are Medicare eligible, including dependents and retirees. The notice informs Medicare-eligible...


    Retirement plans must recognize same-sex spouses

    Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 2013, under federal law employers must treat same-sex couples as married for all federal tax and ERISA Title 1 purposes. Employers who sponsor qualified retirement plans, such as a 401(k), must recognize a...