
COBRA, FSA, HRA deadlines extended for additional one-year period

Authored by Bukaty Companies on April 27, 2022

The pronouncement of the COVID-19 National Emergency declared by President Donald Trump in March of 2020, temporarily changed certain deadlines for health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and COBRA. Just days before the one-year period was set to expire, President Joe Biden extended the National Emergency, meaning the benefit-related deadlines will be tolled for another year or until the emergency is proclaimed to have ended.

New deadlines are linked to the end of the Outbreak Period. The Outbreak Period spans from the time the National Emergency began until 60 days after it ends. The table below summarize the new deadline extensions.


These date changes provide leniency for plan participants and administrators and will also create challenges. 

If you have questions or are interested in using our benefit administration services, please contact your Bukaty benefits consultant at 913.345.0440.

Blog Category: Compliance