Business man working on benefits enrollment from his phone and laptop

5 benefits of moving to an online enrollment system

Authored by Bukaty Companies on January 10, 2020

Paper enrollment forms are rapidly being replaced with cost-saving technology. The future of benefits enrollment is online, and the transition to an online platform with carrier integration has several advantages.

1. Improve accuracy

Removing paper enrollment complications, such as illegible handwriting or misplaced forms, can greatly improve accuracy in employee benefit elections and recordkeeping. With an enrollment system, benefit selections are clear, employees can update their personal information online as needed, and enrollment records are stored in a single system.

2. Utilize reporting tools

Our online platform offers specialized reporting tools to monitor and collect employee data. Choose from dozens of standard reports or customize your own. The reports the system produces create a more comprehensive picture of benefit utilization.

3. Communicate more effectively

Rather than manually track down unenrolled employees, the system automatically distributes email notifications to employees and informs HR professionals of the enrollment progress of each employee.

4. Improve efficiency

An online platform eliminates many time-consuming aspects of paper enrollment. For example, the system creates a single record that can be electronically sent to every carrier instead of separate paper entries.

5. Use a tool designed with HR professionals in mind

The technology is programmed specifically for HR professionals; it was built with alerts for outstanding benefit issues and a checklist of to-do and completed tasks for simplified benefits administration.

To learn more about online enrollment platforms, register for one of our free seminars.

Blog Category: Workplace Insights