Mother helping child hand sanitize to stay safe from coronavirus

Blue KC extends coronavirus coverages

Authored by Bukaty Companies on July 31, 2020

Given the National Public Health Emergency has been extended to October 23, 2020, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) will maintain current COVID-19 policies through October 23:

• COVID-19 diagnostic tests ordered by physicians will be covered without member cost sharing. Work-related tests and services and public surveillance tests do not qualify.

• Prior authorizations for COVID-19-related diagnostic tests and medically necessary outpatient services are waived.

• Cost sharing and copayments will be waived for COVID-19-related in-patient hospital admissions.

• Blue KC Virtual Care cost sharing is waived, providing members no cost telehealth services to minimize the spread of disease (including virtual, telephone, email, or text visits). Services include behavioral health and medical visits, but cost-sharing still applies to physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

These extensions may not apply to National Alliance, JAA groups and Medicare Advantage members. If you have any questions, please call your Bukaty benefits consultant at 913.345.0440.

Blog Category: Carrier Notice