Harassment prevention and policies 101

Harassment prevention and policies 101

Authored by Bukaty Companies on October 12, 2022

In many cases, employees are unwilling to report harassment following inappropriate behavior from a coworker or supervisor, fearing retaliation or the intimidation of
reporting a claim to upper management. It is the responsibility of Human Resources to ensure proper training, education and policies are in place to foster an environment
where employees feel comfortable reporting legitimate harassment claims. Policy development and training for management should be a top priority to proactively keep your organization compliant and avoid potential legal issues or liability. When crafting a training program for managers, it is important to address how new managers should be trained, as well as how current managers will maintain their training knowledge. Harassment policies should be a continued conversation within the organization to create a culture where harassment isn’t tolerated, and employees are comfortable speaking out.

When a harassment claim is presented, HR teams should respond promptly and in an unbiased way. In instances where top management learns of a claim but refuses to investigate charges against a “top performer” or “trusted” member of the team, the consequences can be irreparable. Claims of unethical and inappropriate behavior in the workplace should always be investigated, regardless of the employee’s status or tenure. In cases that involve executives, the best course of action may be to seek outside counsel to ensure an unbiased and fair approach.

Lawsuits are not only time-consuming but can drain financial resources. An employer’s response to a claim could make the difference between the issue being satisfactorily resolved by the complainant, or the complainant taking legal action against the employer. All HR personnel should have the knowledge and training know-how to handle harassment claims promptly and professionally. When in doubt, call Bukaty Companies HR Consulting & Training team who is dedicated to facilitating harassment free

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