Two masked employees reviewing benefits on a laptop

Pandemic underscores importance of technology

Authored by Bukaty Companies on June 30, 2020

With tens of millions of employees working from home in recent months, employers experienced first-hand the importance of technology to keep operations moving. Even though travel and face-to-face meetings came to halt, technology supported many business processes remotely.

In the employee benefit world, employers who transitioned from traditional paper enrollments to an online enrollment tool didn’t skip a beat when it came to benefits administration while working from home. If you haven’t made the technological leap to an online enrollment tool, consider the benefits.

1. Human resources

Online systems provide notifications and to-do lists to ensure holistic benefit management and oversight. The simplicity maximizes efficiencies and removes the need for manual paper processes, allowing your HR professionals to take on more essential duties. Additionally, if Bukaty services your online platform, many traditional HR duties involved in benefit administration are no longer needed.

2. Recordkeeping

Completing paper enrollment forms can be time-consuming, and records can be difficult to maintain. By managing all company data in one online system, it improves organization and simplifies reporting. Additionally, employees can access the system, so records always have the most updated information.

3. Employees

Giving workers online access to their benefit information gives them control. They can check coverage amounts, change contact information, or review benefit summaries at the click of a button. Additionally, employee information is pre-filled for re-enrollment, allowing them to see previous year elections and only make necessary changes.

From initial enrollment, to changes and re-enrollments, online enrollment platforms save valuable time. Click here to request a demo of our online enrollment platform. Consider the change before it’s time to re-enroll

Blog Category: Business Solutions