Computer playing an online training video.

Utilize nontraditional training to keep employees sharp

Authored by Bukaty Companies on June 30, 2020

Training employees is good for your bottom line and can be done virtually now. Online training was growing in popularity prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, but recent social gathering concerns have quickened that growth. There are several benefits to instructor-led virtual training.


Employees have the flexibility to complete training whenever and wherever. This means that they can do it when their schedule, workload and location allows. Training on their own time will maximize the amount of information they glean.


Virtual does not mean you have to lose the personal touch. When using a virtual instructor, you benefit from their expertise without the added planning and cost of travel and accommodations. Sessions can also be prerecorded or live streamed depending on the needs of your employees and company culture.


Online training is more convenient for everyone involved, which inherently lowers the cost compared to in-person training. Additionally, while recorded trainings might cost more up front, you can keep the videos for years of employee training.

To match growing demand, our HR Consulting & Training director has begun creating online training modules for employers. Initial topics include anti-harassment training and FMLA / ADA training, but the library continues to grow. If you are interested in any of the sessions offered or want to request a topic, please contact Randy Woehl at

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