Missouri minimum wage increase

Missouri minimum wage increased

Authored by Bukaty Companies on February 9, 2021

Effective January 1, Missouri minimum wage increased from $9.45 to $10.30 per hour for all private, non-exempt businesses. This rate will continue to increase by $0.85 each year through 2023. This change will not apply to public employers or retail and service businesses with less than $500,000 in annual gross sales.

Employees who collect tips are to be paid at least 50% of the minimum wage, or $5.15 per hour, as well as any additional amount to get the employee’s cumulative compensation to match the minimum of $10.30 per hour. Any hours worked in excess of a 40-hour workweek must be compensated at the rate of at least one and a half times an employee’s regular compensation rate. 

Should an employer not comply with the new required rate, an employee not being correctly compensated is entitled to file a minimum wage complaint and pursue legal
action. Employers paying below the minimum wage rate will be liable for the difference between the full amount owed and amount actually paid, along with twice
the amount left unpaid.

Missouri employers are required to post the new minimum wage poster in a location visible to employees.


Blog Category: Compliance