News & Insights

Overtime threshold updates expected

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is expected to release a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in May to update the salary threshold for overtime eligibility. Currently, non-exempt employees earning a salary of less than $684 a week, or $35,568 annually, are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in...


FTC action threatens noncompetes

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently proposed a rule to effectively wipe out noncompete contracts between employees and employers. This ban would render existing noncompetes void and new noncompetes illegal. According to the FTC, a noncompete clause is a contractual term between workers and...


EEO-1 reporting on the horizon

The 2022 EE0-1 Component 1 data collection is tentatively slated to open mid-July. All private employers with at least 100 employees and certain under-100 employers must provide demographic workforce data, including data by race or ethnicity, sex and job categories. Updates, including the...


Weather the storm with peace of mind

While April showers bring May flowers, spring storms can also cause a flurry of damage. Homeowners should take the time to review their insurance policies annually to ensure they are not underinsured and vulnerable to costly liabilities.


Keep your business profitable

With an uncertain economic forecast on the horizon, business owners need to keep an extra close eye on their books to avoid excess costs. Keeping a business profitable is a basic goal of any owner, but the formula to get there is not always so simple. These tips can help take you from merely...


2023 mileage rate increases

Employers with employees who operate personal vehicles for business use can adopt the IRS-established standard mileage rate to determine reimbursement. The rate for 2023 is 65.5 cents per mile and is determined based on a study of fixed and variable costs of operating a vehicle.


Form 1094-C and 1095-C deadline approaching

Employers who have 50 or more full-time employees, also known as applicable large employers (ALEs) should use Forms 1094-C and 1095-C to report offers and enrollments in health coverage by February 28, 2023, to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and by March 2 to employees.


Form W-2 reporting due January 31

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers who issued more than 250 Form W-2s in the prior year to report the cost of employer-sponsored health coverage in Box 12 of the 2022 form.


Missouri minimum wage increases

Effective January 1, 2023, Missouri’s minimum wage is $12 per hour for all employees working at private, non-exempt businesses. Employers must pay tipped employees, such as servers at restaurants, at least half of the minimum wage, or $6 per hour. If the tipped employee's total compensation,...


Missouri’s legalization of recreational marijuana impacts employers

Missouri is among the latest states to legalize marijuana for recreational use. While Amendment 3 allows individuals over 21 to use marijuana outside of work hours, employers are still within their legal bounds to drug test or terminate employees found using it recreationally. However, when an...