News & Insights

Form I-9 updates

All employers are required to complete Form 1-9 to verify an individual’s employment eligibility, which can be a confusing document to navigate. The most recent round of proposed changes to Form I-9 come from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and aim to simplify its structure and make it...


EEO-1 submissions due mid-May

EEO-1 reporting is now open. Employers must file the report by May 17.


ACA deadlines approaching

In response to the Supreme Court ruling they do not have the authority to enforce mandatory vaccination and testing requirements, , OHSA has withdrawn the ETS. 


No Surprises Act - are you ready?

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) is arguably the most significant reform affecting health care costs since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One of its most notable components is the No Surprises Act.


Supreme Court blocks OSHA's Emergency Temporary Standard

In response to the Supreme Court ruling they do not have the authority to enforce mandatory vaccination and testing requirements, , OHSA has withdrawn the ETS. 


COVID-19 may qualify as a disability under ADA


2022 compliance corner


OTC COVID-19 tests available at no cost for most consumers

In response to the Supreme Court ruling they do not have the authority to enforce mandatory vaccination and testing requirements, , OHSA has withdrawn the ETS. 


The basics of business operations

It is no secret that owning and operating a business is not for the faint of heart. Deciding when to buy or sell a business is particularly daunting. Whether you’re seasoned in business acquisition or looking to sell your own business, consider the types of questions buyers need to ask before...


IRS sets contribution limits for 2022

The IRS has increased the health savings account (HSA) contribution limit for both self-only and family coverage. Self-only plans received a $50 increase in the annual contribution limit, and family coverage limits increased $100. HSAs typically accompany high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), whose...